Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Esmeralda by John Patience

Esmeralda was a witch's cat,
but found it none too easy.
Looping loops and swooping swoops
It made her feel quite easy.
And one wild night, by pale moonlight,
Green with travel sickness,
She lost her grip, began to slip
and found herself broomstickless.
Where she fell it's strange to tell
it's weird to be relating.
Down my chimney pot the feline shot,
her speed accelerating.
Now, it's no joke to be awoke
by wild things from the chimney.
My heart went BUMP, it made me jump,
it made me shout "By Jimmeny!"
But you'd never guess her origins
from looking at her now.
She's just like any other cat,
the same purr and meow.
There's just that look that gives you,
the one that makes you shiver,
shudder, shake, turn cold and quake.
Tremble, squirm and shiver!

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