Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Halloween by Mark Jason Casiño

though skies of darkness may bring all fright,

happiness hides and then takes flight

when stars blaze out and the moon acts as queen

surprises are in store when it feels like halloween.

may be a night or two but is not by time
or not with breezes nor sound of chimes
had been related to magic,witchcraft or so
and also with fright or when braveness is low
in my heart, I feel that it's my night
'cause I've never felt so good in my entire life
to be honest with all, I'll make my confession,
I do believe in wizards and potions of their possession
Halloween for me is a night I've waited
though I never have someone to share and be with
but that's okay, I know I'll do my part
to imagine 'cause that's how magic start

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