Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Because GMTA

In e-mail and online chat rooms, people often try to type as fast as they can. Using acronyms or abbreviations helps them keep up their speed. Here’s a quick taste of the language sometimes known as “e-mailese” or “chatroomsy”

ACE: am confused, explain
BIF: before I forget
BRB: be right back
DTS: don’t think so
FWIW: for what is worth
FYEO: for your eyes only
GMTA: great minds think alike
GTG: got to go
HAW: homework a-waiting
ICCL: I couldn’t care less
IMHO: in my humble opinion
KWIM: know what I mean?
LOL: laughing out loud
MMBS: mail me back soon
MMD: made my day
TTFN: ta ta for now

Time For Kids Almanac 2002

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