Wednesday, March 5, 2008

“The Fearsome Dragon” by John Patience

Underneath the mountain,
In his dark and gloomy lair,
Lurks a fearsome Dragon.
Go see him if you dare.
I popped in only yesterday,
Cross my heart and hope to die.
I don’t go in for stories
And you know I wouldn’t lie.
He’s horrible and slimy,
And his coiled up on his hoard
Of silver, gold and precious stones
And you’d think that he’d get bored,
‘Cause he wouldn’t spend a bit of it
On lollipops or sweets.
He wouldn’t touch your candy.
I can’t imagine what he eats.
But there’s bones that lie all around him
And I thought I saw a cap
That belonged to Billy Bamber –
Do you recall the little chap?
I haven’t seen him lately,
He doesn’t come out to play.
Perhaps he’s got a cold,
Or maybe moved away?
Now about that fierce dragon,
He’s there all on his own.
He’s got no friends to speak of
And he isn’t on the ‘phone.
I’m sure that he gets lonely.
Do drop in and say hello.
Does the way head is shaking
Mean to say that you won’t go?

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