Wednesday, March 5, 2008

“My Pet” by John Patience

The annual competition
For the most interesting pet,
Was held upon the village green
And judged by the local Vet.
There were cats and dogs and guinea pigs
And hamsters by the score.
There were parrots, rabbits and goldfish
(Which were really quite a bore).
Tadpoles in jars and spiders from Mars
(At least, Tom said they were),
A pony and a donkey,
A goat and something rare.
A pelican pinched the third prize,
And a python squeezed in second,
But my pet won the first prize,
‘Cause everybody reckoned.
He’s the best pet that there ever was,
A thing that seldom seen.
He’s a great big scary dragon,
All scary weird and green!

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